日本国際文化学会 会員有志
Statement by interested members of The Japan Society for Intercultural Studies
19 March 2022
The Japan Society for Intercultural Studies (JSICS) is an interdisciplinary academic association of scholars, educators, and practitioners, established to promote research and education in the field of intercultural studies. From the perspective of ‘interculturality’, we have studied various aspects of intercultural exchange, dialogue and understanding, and have also been promoting the creation of culture as a ‘designs for living together’ through educational projects.
The recent Russian military invasion into the neighbouring state of Ukraine has brought about the brutal destruction of both the rich traditional and everyday cultures of people in Ukraine and the shutdown of international exchange. Moreover, it has been nothing but a violent act of historical retrogression, shattering the culture of respect for human rights, and the overarching culture of ‘designs for living together’ which the human race has laid bricks for and shared widely through history with great pain and suffering. Recognising that we must uncover the deep-lying factors which have brought about this appalling situation, more than thirty years after the end of the Cold War, we demand that the Russian government cease all military action immediately and work to resolve the conflict through dialogue.
At the same time, we express our deep concern and vehemently protest against all inhumane acts and their atrocious results, such as the bombardments at schools, hospitals, and a theater full of displaced people, causing the victimisation of children and civilians, the violent seizure of nuclear power plants, and the threats of resort to nuclear weapons which might cause unprecedented calamity. We cannot bear to witness precious lives and peaceful daily lives being destroyed one after another.
We also express our sympathy and solidarity towards the people both in Ukraine and abroad who are suffering from deep sorrow and fear, and towards all those who are against the military invasion. We will continue to devote our academic efforts to analyse what is actually happening in Ukraine and to seek means to prevent the repetition of these inhumane decisions and acts. In addition, we strongly oppose any act or speech of discrimination against people with Russian cultural backgrounds. We issue this statement as we believe that the diversity of cultures provides us with liberty and abundance, rather than division and prejudice.
1. 本コース
・場 所:東京・広島
・参 加 費 :303,750円
2. 平和構築基礎セミナー
・場 所:東京(国際連合大学)
・参 加 費 :無料
3. 平和構築ワークショップ
・場 所:東京(国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター)
・参 加 費 :無料
〒102-0082 東京都千代田区一番町6 相模屋本社7F
一般社団法人 広島平和構築人材育成センター
Tel :03-4334-1255 / Fax:03-4334-1256
Email:(問い合せ用) hpc@peacebuilders.jp
URL :http://www.deliver.mofa.go.jp/c?c=1007&m=16137&v=88210b27
外務省 総合外交政策局 国際平和協力室
Email: peace-cooperation@mofa.go.jp
The Program for Human Resource Development for Peacebuilding is a program established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) in 2007 in order to strengthen civilian capacity in the field of peacebuilding. The Hiroshima Peacebuilders Center (HPC), commissioned by MOFA, coordinates the program in cooperation with the United Nations Volunteers programme (UNV).
HPC is now accepting applications for Japanese candidates to participate in the following courses for the Program for Human Resource Development for Peacebuilding for FY 2014:
− 15 Japanese Program Associates for the Primary Course
(January 23-March 6, 2015)
− 30 Japanese Participants for the Seminar on Basic Peacebuilding
(December 15-19, 2014)
− 15 Japanese Participants for the Workshop on Peacebuilding
(Theme: Gender and Peacebuilding) (December 28-29, 2014)
The application forms and procedures can be found on the HPC homepage, listed below.
HPC homepage:
For further information please visit our website:
国際交流基金日米センター(CGP)と米国社会科学研究評議会 (SSRC)は、安倍フェローシップ個人研究プロジェクトを公募します。